Leonardo Luna
Lawyer (21) - 2221-7897
Leonardo Luna
Lawyer, working mainly in the areas of Tax Law and Social Security Law. Master in Public Finance, Taxation and Development (Financial Law and Tax Law) by the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program at the State University of Rio de Janeiro - PPGD/UERJ (2021-2023). Specialist in Labor Law and Social Security Law (both Material and Procedural) from the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course at the Center for Studies and Research in Law Teaching at the State University of Rio de Janeiro - CEPED/UERJ (2019-2020). Participated in the Extension Course in Social Security Tax Law - Controversial Issues by the Brazilian Institute of Tax Law - IBDT (2022). Bachelor of Law from the Faculty of Law of the State University of Rio de Janeiro - FDIR/UERJ (2012-2017).